Use "rupture|ruptured|ruptures|rupturing" in a sentence

1. In all six mural ruptures and in five of ten intimal ruptures, thrombocyte aggregates were found at the rupture margins.

2. What happens if the aneurysm ruptures?

3. Ligament ruptures, haemorrhages, cysts and Bursitises […]

4. Aneurysms in the brain may expand without breaking open (rupturing)

5. A blood vessel ruptured.

6. PELICAN - Australasia This ancient landmass doesn’t start to rupture its ties from its cradle in Pangaea until five minutes through track three when the tectonic ruptures provide the fissile momentum propelling it seaward

7. Main forward tanks are ruptured!

8. 7 He ruptured himself playing football.

9. He ruptured himself lifting a bookcase.

10. Barotrauma is a condition in which the alveoli (air sacs of the lungs) rupture with a subsequent entry of air into the surrounding extra alveolar space. Barotrauma is typically caused by lung air sacs rupturing or a direct injury

11. External capsule's ruptured but still intact.

12. He has swapped talk of plain " rupture " for the vacuous " tranquil rupture ".

13. It could rupture.

14. That bullet was three-tenths of an inch from rupturing my aorta.

15. 14 A blood vessel ruptured.

16. The extensor digiti minimi tendon was ruptured.

17. The incident ruptures a recent and fragile cease-fire.

18. Through doctor microscope, diagnose for phallic sponge body white film ruptures , the penis the ministry ruptures and appear from which haematoma, need instantly operation cure.

19. Ventral blood vessel of epiploon got ruptured.

20. 6 The impact ruptured both fuel tanks.

21. 3 He ruptured himself lifting a bookcase.

22. Accelerated stress rupture test

23. " Ruptured spleen, fractured skull, internal bleeding "...

24. A ruptured Aneurysm usually requires treatment right away

25. 16 An explosion of sound ruptured the moment.

26. 5 They reported that the pipeline had ruptured.

27. The bruising was caused by capillary ruptures in your arms.

28. 4 John couldn't come,because he was ruptured.

29. Treating Aneurysms A ruptured aneurysm is an emergency

30. 17 We are living in a ruptured power structure.

31. A ruptured cerebral aneurysm causes a stroke.

32. 8 He ruptured himself trying to lift the piano.

33. 2 The noise ruptured the tranquility of the afternoon.

34. There's no way I can get the tumor out without rupturing one and killing the cord.

35. There may be no symptoms present at all until the aneurysm ruptures.

36. An Achilles tendon rupture is also known as the gastrocnemius tendon’s rupture or the common Calcanean tendon

37. 6 Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.

38. 9 A pipe ruptured, leaking water all over the house.

39. Whilst playing badminton, I ruptured my Achilles tendon.

40. The noise ruptured the tranquility of the afternoon.

41. The inflorescences develop inside the tuberous underground part of the plant, before rupturing it and surfacing.

42. Instead, collapsing walls, rupturing gas or power lines, falling objects, and the like cause the most injuries and fatalities.

43. You will need immediate care to prevent a ruptured Appendix

44. The diplomatic relations between the two countries have been ruptured.

45. There's a lot of internal bleeding from a ruptured spleen.

46. The knife had just ruptured the wall of an artery.

47. 10 Whilst playing badminton,[] I ruptured my Achilles tendon.

48. A stroke is often caused when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures.

49. A ruptured Appendix can cause bacteria to leak into the abdomen.

50. 18 I've had ruptured knee ligaments and hernias in the past.

51. 21 A pipe ruptured,[] leaking water all over the house.

52. Creep and Stress Rupture Properties Creep Properties

53. Key Words: biceps ? tendon ? avulsion? rupture? elbow.

54. Solar Flare Would Rupture Earth's "Cyber Cocoon"

55. Officials hope to avoid rupturing any fuel rods, which could release deadly radioactive gas into the containment building.

56. There were no ruptures of meaning, as the different worlds were momentarily juxtaposed.

57. The rupture of the Achilles tendon is the most frequent tendon rupture in humans and it is associated with increasing incidence.

58. Aneurysms are potentially fatal if they rupture.

59. The rupture with his father was absolute.

60. 22 The diplomatic relations between the two countries have been ruptured.

61. Air conditioning installation comprising a rupture disk device

62. His stomach might rupture from all the acid.

63. 17 Key Words: biceps ? tendon ? avulsion? rupture? elbow.

64. A pipeline rupture halted supplies of natural gas.

65. Rupture of the hymen , typically in sexual intercourse.

66. The Aftershocks are smaller ruptures that happen in response to those new stresses

67. This expansion ruptures the walls of cells within the beans, liberating aromatic oils.

68. Suturing of intraligamentous ACL-ruptures as well as patellar ligaments plasty showed unsatisfactory results.

69. Ruptures were detected most often in the wrist caused by bony spurs and tenosynovitis.

70. increased slightly, but were generally much lower than those for abdominal aneurysms. Ruptured aneurysms usually fatal Ruptured aneurysms more often cause death than those that are unruptured (Table 2).

71. His liver was ruptured when a brick wall collapsed on him.

72. Blebs themselves do not cause any symptoms and may be present for a long time before they rupture (if they rupture)

73. You had a spleen rupture and pulmonary edema.

74. Glyph of Rupture: The tooltip has been corrected.

75. Synonyms for Breakages include breaks, breaches, cracks, cuts, fractures, rents, ruptures, tears, breakings and clefts

76. One patient of the collagen group died after operation of ruptured aneurysm.

77. The operational technique used was proximal reinsertion of the ruptured ACL alone.

78. He ruptured his spleen and he has massive swelling in his brain.

79. Medical software allows computing these rupture risk indices from standard clinical CT data and provides a patient-specific AAA rupture risk diagnosis.

80. 5 Whilst playing badminton,[] I ruptured my Achilles tendon.